
Kanye West dumbfounds Ellen DeGeneres after monologue about clothes, Picasso and Barack Obama

ellen DeGeneres has become one of the world's most beloved chat-show hosts after building a career from her irreverent, cheery conversation manner. She met her match, however, when Kanye West came on the show.
The rapper and fashion entrepreneur was initially cool and distant during his interview with DeGeneres, giving her monosyllabic answers to questions about his family and whether he wanted any more children. 
However, when the conversation moved onto whether West ever regretted his output on social media (there were concerns for the musician's wellbeing after he petitioned entrepreneurs for money, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for money on Twitter in February), he opened up – with a monologue of Shakespearean proportions.
When asked if he regretted asking Zuckerberg for $53 million, West explained that he had previously had dinner with the Facebook founder and his wife and that they had said they would help. West justified his plea by telling DeGeneres: "I feel that if I had more resources I could help more people. I have ideas that can make the human race existence within our hundred years, better, period."
He then stood up, shouting, "K is in the building! Everybody dance! Put your hands in the air right now!", walking around the stage. 
DeGeneres then asked West to explain further, as "maybe somebody watching will give you the money", promting the star to speak for a solid six-and-a-half minutes on issues including Michael Jackson not being recognised in his own time ("he couldn't get his video on MTV because he was considered to be urban"), the fact that we live in Renaissance times, why successful people are polymaths, and the fact that Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and Picasso were all dead, inspiring stunned reactions from both the crowd (who occasionally broke into applause) and DeGeneres, who struggled to halt his flow.
At one point, West said he discussed his fashion line in the company of Barack Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio: "It's funny because I'll sit there with Obama and Leo's talking about the environment and I'm talking about clothes. And everyone looks at me like that's not an important issue or something."

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